[AMPS] More CB Brethren

Jon Ogden jono@enteract.com
Fri, 15 Oct 99 09:23:54 -0500

I must admit that these guys building the amps aren't the usual CB mud 
ducks.  I think most CBers would kill themselves with that much power!

I funny story that reflects the way most CBers are was told to me a while 

Back in the late 70s during the CB craze, the University of Illinois 
radio club, W9YH was also in its heyday.  They had twin 200 foot towers 
and generally won most contests they participated in.  The station and 
towers were just outside the baseball field at the University.  

Every Sunday a group of CBers would come and play softball at the field.  
They'd all leave their CBs on in their cars all tuned to the same 
channel.  Being of "typical" CB type they had no idea what those big 
towers were for.  The W9YH club had a couple of wiseacres in its 
membership (I personally know 2 of them now and they are wiseacres!).  
The club also had an old broadcast PA they could tune up anywhere.  So 
they decided to tune up the amp on channel 19 or whatever it was that the 
CBers listened to.  I forget how many KW the thing put out, but after 
tunning into the dummy load, they switched to the antennas and announced, 

All the CBers went to their cars to check this out and couldn't figure 
out why this transmission was coming in on every single channel on their 

I laughed myself silly when I heard this!

Oh well, my biggest beef with CBers who run illegal power is that we hams 
get blamed for it.  Most of them have no idea about proper grounding, 
SWR, etc. and run their amps maxed out and with their "power 
microphones."  They overmodulate everything and cause all sorts of havoc. 
 Cause we hams tend to have the bigger towers and more visible antenna 
systems, we get blamed.  And then the CBers come up into our band on 10M. 
 I had to fight off a bunch of them the other night while trying to work 
ZK3CW on the low end of ten.  I couldn't notch the carriers out either 
cause every guys carrier was slightly off!  They eventually left which 
made it much easier to work the DX.

However, if the big amp guys keep their crap inside their bands during 
the keydown events, I suppose I don't care.  If the FCC catches them or 
they fry themselves, fine.  I have no problem with that.  But if they get 
away with it and don't interfere with me, I suppose I can loosen up and 
let them have their fun.  After all, we've all driven over 55 haven't 



The Second Amendment is NOT about duck hunting!

Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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