[AMPS] RE: the big "Good Buddy Band Amps"...

measures measures@vcnet.com
Fri, 15 Oct 1999 09:55:03 -0700

>What does he pull it with, a cab over Peterbuilt??

€ Close...  ...   '95 Kenworth.  

>A bit more overkill than I was thinking about.
>I am more interested in knowing if anyone makes a switching power supply that
>can be used to produce the HV for say a pair of 3-500Z or 4CX800 from the
>stock alternator system (read 13.8V) used in all cars/trucks.

€  For high power using batteries, it takes a 50vdc system.  Ordinary car 
alternators will easily put out 50v at 30mph.  Put four 12v batts in the 
trunk, and you will have plenty of suds.  

>Yea, I know I could make up an amp with transistors but I would still have to
>wind all them damn toroids to make the filter boards and then relay switch
>them.  Not my cup of tea.
The mobile antenna itself makes an ok bandpass filter for all except the 
third harmonic.  

Cheers  Mike
>Mike Baker  KØQZ...
>measures wrote:
>> >
>> >Hey gang!
>> >    You know, something just struck me after reading all the stuff about
>> >the 11 meter amp shoot-outs and checking out the web pages of the amp
>> >builders on both coasts, there might be something to learn from them.
>> >    No, I'm not kidding.  Example...
>> >    With the 3 tube 3-500Z amp shown in the pictures, how is the high
>> >voltage developed???  Who supplies the power supplies for these rigs?
>> The big ones are usually powered by a generator mounted on a trailer.  I
>> saw one that was purchased at a U. S. Navy surplus material sale. .  It
>> was built on a truck trailer.  The engine was a Caterpillar diesel that
>> was clearly too large for truck service.  .  //  A friend of mine powers
>> his 75m mobile. 2x 4-1000a  amp from a 10kW trailer generator.
>> -  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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