[AMPS] RJ1A/RJ1H for Alpha 78

measures measures@vcnet.com
Fri, 15 Oct 1999 11:33:36 -0700

>Hi Mike...
>Recent years' production of the Kilovac HC-1 vacuum relay (looks almost 
>identical to Jennings RJ1-A and installs identically) has substantially 
>more robust innards with far better bounce characteristics. That's why 
>ALPHA/POWER uses them in the new ALPHA 99 and former '91B. Price is about 
>the same.
>In any case, vac relays normally should last for several years' hard QSK 
>use in the '78 unless something in the timing/sequencing circuitry 
>(including related off-board rf detectors) is amiss. Might be worth 
>checking out.
>BTW the '78 has a "speed-up" or "hot-shot" circuit that should close the 
>vac relay within ~2 msec. 

�  To fully close a RJ-1A or HC-1 (26v) in 2mS, my test showed that it 
takes around 85, current-limited, open-circuit volts.  .  What is the 
source voltage for the ant. relay coil in the Alpha 78, Dick,?  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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