[AMPS] Re: FYI...Titan II (For Steve)

Roy Koeppe royanjoy@ncn.net
Sun, 17 Oct 1999 13:41:30 -0500

"Hi Roy;
Noticed w/interest ur posting abt Titan II.  Don't have Nov QST yet
so...what is diff 'tween Titan and Titan II?  I am interested in that
ant as
a portable fer mini-dx-peditions to the carribean.  Have u ever used a
Titan?  If so what do u think of it?  What do u know abt that ant?  Why
u post with that piece of info?  Tnx fer any insight...
73, steve, k8wk"

Steve, Hello,

But I see you're not a Ten-Teckie person!! The Titan II is NOT an
antenna by any means. (Notice it was not posted on the antenna

It is the new 1.5 KW Ten-Tec amp--remember there was a Titan I at one

73,     Roy        K6XK

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