[AMPS] Warm-up period

Phil Levin W2GE w2ge@home.com
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 11:41:16 -0400

Jonathan Kaplan wrote:
> I've been reading the thread on warm-up delay periods and it's
> suddenly got me worried about my Clipperton L. Is there is a
> minimum  warm-up time before transmission for Amps in general
> and Clipperton L's in particular? If so, what damage can be done
> by transmitting too soon? Also, is it better to just leave the Amp
> in standby or does that harm the tubes?
> Thanks once again
> 73
> Jonathan KO6XS
> --
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Your certainly going to get answers from more knowledgeable experts than
me... but I don't think you have a problem.  Certain tubes (8877) have
an indirect heated cathode and need abt 3 minutes before you can safely
transmit with them.  ( I don't know what damage happens if you xmit to
the tube b4 the safety period exactly) However, many tubes you can
transmit with almost immediately ( say 5-10 secs) such as 572B, 811s,
3CX1200A7, 3-500zs... because they are directly heated, i.e. pwr
connection directly to cathode.  I'm sure I'll be corrected on my non
technical explanation.. but it's close. (I think!?)  Phil W2GE

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Submissions:              amps@contesting.com
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