[AMPS] RF Surge Problem

Jim Reid jreid@aloha.net
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:35:59 -1000

Hi Harv,  You wrote,  in part:

> It is probably a good idea to throw away the coax switch.

The switch is out of here!!  So it will take a couple extra
moments to change rigs,  if I want to check which is
the best for a particular situation;  not a matter to avoid
these problems again,  hi.

> The best isolation to unselected ports would be on the
> order of 30 or 40 dB

> A bit of math and you see that you are jamming a lot 
>of power into a receiver front end that is designed for 

Yes,  as others also have told me!  With 100 watts (+50 dBm)
going through the A-D switch,  and maybe 30 dBm of
port to port isolation,  that could put +20 dBm, or 0.1 watt
into the in port of the Yaesu.  If I had the Yaesu fired up
for some reason,  with the Omni outputing that power 
through the switch,  that just might "blow" the Yaesu's
RF Surge Protector.

Hope some info comes back from the Service Center about
what might have happened.   Have shared some of the
possible ideas I am recv'ng from the list with Chip Margelli, K7JA,
the manager of the Service Center in Cerritos.  I understand
he is an active contester,  so should be interested in this
Yaesu situation's solution,  hi.

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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