[AMPS] feedback sought: Ameritron AL-80
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:27:05 -0700 (PDT)
I have come across an original Ameritron AL-80
amplifier. This is not the AL-80A or AL-80B. Runs a
single 3-500Z.
Interested in comparisons between the original, and
the AL-80A and AL-80B. Also how does this stack
against the Heathkit SB-1000 amp?
I've heard various woes on this amp and the power
supply, but, this one seems to have been well used
since the mid 1980's with no sign of failure yet.
I realize this is not designed to be a full kilowatt
amp. Probably get 500 out maximum, but the fact that
it uses a 3-500Z seems to be good design. My other
option is to go with the SB-200, or equvalent, running
572B's -- but I dont like the cost of those tubes if
needing to replace them.
Only criticism I can find is no relative power output
on the meter face, and need to add 10M.
Thanks for comments.
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