[AMPS] Elementary question (Shame)

Phil Clements philk5pc@tyler.net
Sat, 30 Oct 1999 20:03:05 -0500

> OK Men,
> I have hesitated to ax this before 'cause it's so basic that I should
> have been born with the info.
> Feeling extra humble today, so here goes.
> We spend time calculating and almost endless time arguing on this
> reflector about optimum tank operating Q and L1 component value. Then,
> after everyone quiets down, we construct an amp using a ROLLER for L1,
> with its thousand chances of operating AWAY from  that sacred optimum Q!
> Since I have never used a roller in this application (mainly because of
> the above fear, be it right or wrong), would someone please halucinate
> me as to the tuning procedure used to end up with the desired Q, or
> whatever correct setting the roller should finally be arrived at?!
> Maybe there are others besides me out there equally timid about asking?
> I know, I'm like that hopeless native in the jungle classroom, scolded
> by the missionary saying, "I buy you books, I send you to school, and
> what do you do? You eat the teacher!
> 73, TNX,            Roy          K6XK
A roller coil gives the advantage of being able to tune the tank
for maximum efficiency at any power setting and frees one from many
hours of tapping a fixed coil in place in a new amp.

It is very simple; you tune the tank circuit for maximum power output.
With a roller coil, you just have one more item to tune.

Antenna tuners with roller coils work the same way. A tapped coil
may not be close enough to give a perfect match in every case.

Phil, K5PC

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