[AMPS] Zero Bias in GG Amp.

measures measures@vcnet.com
Thu, 2 Sep 1999 09:44:44 -0700

>Thanks for Mr.Egen, Karlsson and Perzonka, for yours attention to my 
>problem, by the way, almost old version Grounded Grid Amplifier using zero 
>bias in their cathode, I don't know what limitation happen in a few years 
>ago, so how to determine the class service of this GG amplifier either AB1, 
>AB2 or class B ???. but recently almost every GG
>Amp. design using diode zener for cathode biasing, my question, how to 
>determine this zener voltage for various tube that available in  the market.
€  For thoriated tungsten fil. tubes, Zero Signal Anode Current is 
roughly 20% of max. rated anode-current.  For oxide-cathode tubes, ZSAC 
is typically about 10% of anode-current.    In both cases, since the 
actual bias V depends on the amount of anode voltage supplied to the 
tubes and actual  Mu, you need to test each tube to determine the correct 
bias V at the anode supply V you are using.  .  .  
.  A rugged means of obtaining an adjustable bias V source is a string of 
forward biased 3a rectifiers connected to a rotary switch.  Each diode 
provides approx. 0.7V drop.  

-  cheers, Firson

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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