[AMPS] Unknown remote switch

Maurizio Panicara Maurizio Panicara" <i4jmy@iol.it
Sun, 5 Sep 1999 19:06:59 +0200

I bought a remote rotary coxial switch made by Spinner. Who sold 
it to me told the switch is rated CW (continuous carrier) 1.5 KW @ 
1500 Mhz and mainly used to switch antennas or UHF TV transmitters.
The switch has 4 ports each using 7-16 connectors and the ports are 
selected in pairs. (when port one is connected with port two, port 
three is connected with four or, when port one is connected with port 
four port two is connected with port three).
The switch rotates only in a sense and can be activated manually or
by cable. For remote control a 24V is required. 
On the connector there are 2 male connectors, one is a DB9 (it has
been told this is what should use) and a DB37 (?).
Is there someone knowing this switch and how can I wire it to remotely 
switch getting a sort of confirmation (what are the activated ports).
Thank You in advance.

 Mauri  I4JMY

 E-mail: i4jmy@iol.it

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