[AMPS] Amp photos

Larry Molitor w7iuv@axtek.com
Wed, 08 Sep 1999 22:34:33 +0100

Received a bunch more photos for the amp photo page today. Now I'm really
behind. I have an out-of-town trip coming up soon, so won't be able to get
much done till after that. Stay tuned.

When I tried to download my email, I got a suprise. Took a *long* time to
finish with all those pix in there. I'd like to request that folks who
would like their pix posted, please contact me first via email. I will give
you an alternate email address to send the images to. That will save me a
whole bunch of time and effort.

Please, don't stop sending them in, just give me a little warning first!



Larry - W7IUV
Amp pix at

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