[AMPS] Have Cake & Eat it too

Jonathan Kaplan jonk@jskent.com
Thu, 09 Sep 1999 06:51:37 -0700

Hi All,
	I've been slowly putting on line my tower installation with a
TH7DX and a M2 40 mtr dipole atop a 55ft crankup. I've noticed
a strange behavior since switching from a tuned dipole. My  
Clipperton L amp will tune either for power or SWR on all bands
but 15mtrs, but not for both. In other words, when I tune the AMP
the power meter (a RS model) will either show greater power at
a high SWR or low power at low SWR. But not high power at low
SWR!  What does this mean is wrong? Does it neccessarily
mean the final output into the air is limited, and that the antenna 
system is out of tune?

I just need confirmation of that theory and how to test it. 

Thanks for any help.
Jonathan KO6XS

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