[AMPS] Power Supply Spec Question

Jim Reid jreid@aloha.net
Thu, 9 Sep 1999 13:24:01 -1000


I have an Astron RS-70M,  13.8 volt supply.  It provides,
per it's meter,  about 45 amps to my small Henry Radio
SS500 solid state linear when driving 200 watts from the 
amp into a dummy load (40 meter band).  At about 380 
watts into the DL,  the power supply current meter reads 
about 60 amps.

The supply is spec'd at 57 amps,  continuous and
70 amps ICS.

When using in SSB on the band,  I am told my audio begins
to sound distorted if I put out much above 250 watts on SSB

I assume the problem is that the RS -70 supply has run out of gas
around  such   SSB peak levels.

What does 70 amps ICS mean?  Whatever,  presume it does
not mean that I can run up to 350 watts SSB peak using this

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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