[AMPS] SB230 relay

measures measures@vcnet.com
Tue, 14 Sep 1999 05:43:13 -0700

>I acquired a HeathKit SB230 amp at the Windsor Hamfest this past weekend.
>Seems to make advertised power (~500 watts into load at 29 mHz). Of course,
>there is a minor problem:
>It uses a pair of DowKey relays (-120Vdc) on the back of it for switching.
>I would like to replace these monsters with an internal relay, either an
>oper frame type or I may have to break down and put in a RJ1A and a reed.
>Where could I find a 12 volt relay that could handle switching this amp? I
>may butcher the 10 meter position and put it on 6 at some later date so
>comments on this aspect of operation would be welcome as well. 
We sell a high speed switching parts kit that consists of one Matsushita 
RSD-12v RF reed relay and all of the parts for a 3a optoisolator-operated 
ECBS.  The price is $20 plus one dollar for postage.  The RJ1A can be 
obtained from Fair Radio for $35.  The HSS diagram is on my 
Web site.
-  later, John 

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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