[AMPS] New Triode Board from G3SEK

measures measures@vcnet.com
Wed, 15 Sep 1999 02:45:24 -0700

>Rich Measures wrote:
>>€  In order to protect an 8877 grid from gold sputtering during an
>>intermittent UHF oscillation condition, the grid trip circuit should
>>probably be capable of interrupting 40 amperes.  Can the Triode Board do
>>this, Ian?
>I don't want to get into the debate about what causes this gold
>sputtering - for the purposes of power supply design, it's enough to
>know that large current surges can and do occur. 
>We also agree that a "glitch" resistor in the HV+ supply is a MUST, to
>limit the maximum possible surge current to 40A as recommended by Eimac.
>So here's our starting-point: there's a big current surge coming along,
>maybe peaking up to 40A - and what is the control circuit going to do
>about it?
>It isn't the grid trip circuit's job to interrupt that 40A current surge
>(or even to detect it). The surge comes from the HV supply, and that's
>where it has to be detected and interrupted.
^This would require a 100w / 100-ohm glitch resistor.  

>The Triode Board continuously monitors the current in the HV-minus
>return line, and it provides a control output that switches within <1ms
>of going over the pre-set current limit. The limit is typically set to
>2A for an 8877, but you can adjust it lower or higher. 
>You can use that output to control the HV supply, and as a minimum I
>recommend that you switch the mains supply to the transformer. 

The engine of gold sputtering is the stored charge on the filter 

> Inconjunction with a HV fuse, this provides a high degree of protection. 
>A thyristor crowbar circuit will provide even more protection if you
>want it. 

A thyristor with a withstanding potential of 4kV?   
>So what is the grid trip for? To detect excess current due to RF drive.
>This "normal" grid current flows in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION to an HV

The only source of grid current is emitted electrons from the cathode - 
barring a leaky ceramic/metal seal.  

-  cheers, Ian

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-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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