[AMPS] Silver Plating

measures measures@vcnet.com
Wed, 22 Sep 1999 00:53:22 -0700

>  It seems that silver's conductivity is only 
>6 to 11 percent better than copper. And the skin depth 
>of silver and copper at 100Mhz is about .00026 inches. So to get 
>the entire 6 to 11 percent improvement in Q you would
>have to have the plating at least .26 mils thick. And that
>is at 100 Mhz, at 10 Mhz it would be about a mil. thick.
>That is thick for plating now days. 
>  Silver does solder well and makes for great switch contacts.
>I wonder what properties of silver are so desirable.
€  Copper oxide and copper sulphide are poor conductors.  Silver oxide 
and silver sulphide are not.  
cheers, Bill

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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