R: [AMPS] Silver Plating question

Martin John Hallsworth Martin@g1gyc.demon.co.uk
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 00:12:13 +0100

>farewell, Conrad
> The only thing a man can take with him when he leaves this place is 

RESPECT has to be earned !!!

Thanks Marv WC6W you were right I too did not see the answer to my
question your reply is the simple sort of answer I was looking for.
The reason for my question I am planing the construction of a 70cm band
amp using 2mm (0.080") thick brass (available from model engineering
I have got to say that for (what I thought was) a simple question it has 
provoked a lot of exchange of views.

Thanks Martin.

         Oh we are not worthy !!!

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