[AMPS] Silver Plating

measures measures@vcnet.com
Wed, 22 Sep 1999 10:06:17 -0700

>I think we have another thread de-railed by the wanna-be scientist debating
>society. Who gives a shit if silver is better then copper? Or vice versa?
>In all the years I've been building and scrapping equipment, I've yet to
>see anything built from chemically pure copper or silver.
>Tanks, cavities, enclosures, whatever, are built from brass, aluminum, and
>(yuck) steel for cost considerations. Once you get the parts fabricated
>cheap, it's easy to give them a silver flash. When you do plating in the
>appropriate thickness it's almost the same cost copper or silver. So what
>the heck, plate it with silver and impress the natives.
>What do I do? I don't plate anything. I try to use soft copper when I can.
>Polish it up and spray it with Krylon or Urethane .........

As do I, Larry.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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