[AMPS] clear coating conductors

measures measures@vcnet.com
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 20:28:14 -0700

>re: coating of conductors
>I've had two past experiences which make be believe coating certain
>conductor application are a bad practice. 
>1) The first project  was a simple 2 element yagi for 52.525MHz.  
>The unit preformed well using a standard gamma match to 50 
>ohm coax.  Upon completion and final testing of the yagi, I 
>decided to spray the gamma with urethane for moisture prevention.
>The impedance of the gamma changed radically. Tests with 
>the basic instruments I owned at the time proved the coated 
>gamma was the problem.  I tried to remove the coating 
>with various chemicals, but I was never able to restore 
>that network to a usable form.  

€  Did you try soaking it in acetone or methyl-ethyl-keytone?  It is my 
opinion that urethane should never be sprayed on since you must be very 
careful to keep it away from contact areas.  Better to use a watercolour 
brush so you can control where the urethane is applied.  Contact areas 
are best protected with dow corning DC4 silicone grease.  It does not 
interefere with an electrical contact.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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