[AMPS] need Millen HV connector

measures measures@vcnet.com
Fri, 24 Sep 1999 05:19:43 -0700

>Are Millen HV connectors still availible? I sent a check to KM1H in May for
>a pair and am still waiting! 

There appears to be a serious problem with Carl.  .  //   HV connectors: 
Alden Products in Brocton, Ma. Ask for a catalog at 508-583-0160.

>The check was cashed. Anyone else have one
>laying around? I just need the chassis part if you don't have the pair.
>Thanks, Dick NY1E
Millen "HV" connectors are made from hygroscopic material.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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