[AMPS] Blown Grid Resistors - Ameritron AL811H

measures measures@vcnet.com
Fri, 24 Sep 1999 11:31:16 -0700

>I had an odd thing happen with my AL811H (four 811As - Grounded Grid) this
>afternoon.  When I turned on the main power switch I heard a loud pop and
>saw a flash.  After that the amp had normal high voltage but would only
>produce low power with higher VSWR.  After taking it apart, I discovered
>that three of the resistors that run from the grid to ground had "blown"
>apart.  I can easily replace the resistors, but would like to know what
>caused it.  

The grid resistors were very probably not faulty.  Too much grid current 
likely blew them.  Intermittent parasitic oscillations produce bursts of 
high grid current.  .  What is the resistance of the anode 
parasitic-suppressor resistor in the tubes that blew their grid resistors?

>I can find any other burned parts and everything seems "normal"
>(except the low power).  I noted that two of the tubes (Svetlana 811As) have
>slightly deformed plates--but a quick check with a VOM does not show a

To see what's what with tubes, you need a high-pot.  
cheers, Tom

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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