[AMPS] Where to read Reflected Power

Hardy Landskov n7rt@doitnow.com
Mon, 27 Sep 1999 19:21:04 -0700

At 05:56 PM 09/27/1999 -0700, Radiodan W7RF wrote:
>Hi Jim,
>I understand the frustration!
>I too, have these same problems. Different points on the transmission line
>the SWR will vary. Nowadays I just "blast away" into the antenna!
>As you know, I use the C4XL and SWR is good on 10-15-20 and CW part of 40M,
>However, on SSB 40 or 17/12M SWR is between 3.5:1 and 5.2:1 (7298 KHz).

I had the same situation and discovered an article in QST years ago that
the problem was poor directivity of the SWR bridge (discrimination to power
coming from the reverse direction).  I found that the Drake W4 had better
directivity than a Bird but poorer corrolation to power output from 1.8 to
30 MHz.  Seems you can't have it both ways....
73 N7RT

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