[AMPS] Re: Average Plate Diss ?????

measures measures@vcnet.com
Mon, 27 Sep 1999 22:53:37 -0700

>Jon Ogden wrote:
>> Jim,
>> Wouldn't an easy estimate of average dissipation just be the peak
>> dissipation multiplied by the duty cycle?
>### That may actually work.  Gee, with ssb, we should be getting tons of
>power out.  What I'm trying to figure out is this. With a given continuous
>plate diss rating,how does one figure out max power rating to a tube,so as
>not to exceed that rating.

€  For voice-SSB. the limiting factor is usually peak cathode emission.  
As a general rule of thumb, max. PEP out is about double the diss. 
rating.  For example, with plenty of anode V, a 3-500Z produces about 
1000w PEP.  
>- I'm trying to figure how hard I can push the 3000A7, with it's 4kw anode

€  Figure about 8a of peak cathode emission.  This will produce 7k - 8k 

>The high idling current really brings up average diss. 

€ Only for turkeys who sit there with the hammer down.  .  High speed 
switching reduces the idle current to zero within mS after operator stops 

> The idling
>power throws a wrench ito your simplistic peak diss x duty cycle theory.
€  Not for those who do not use Lock to Talk.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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