[AMPS] Amplifier for cw only-question.

Chip Owens owens@atd.ucar.edu
Tue, 28 Sep 1999 13:41:14 -0600

If one uses an hf power amplifier for cw operation only is there any 
good reason to operate it in AB1, AB2, or class B? Wouldn't class C
operation yield higher efficiency and actually make QSK operation
easier to implement?

Also, I'm curious if anyone out there is using the 3CX1200Z7/YU-181 in
a homebrew amplifier. With its grid terminal brought out to a large
circular flange on the tube base it would make an essentially zero
impedance grid-to-ground connection. The data sheet mentions use of the
SK-410 socket, but no chimney is mentioned. Is this series of tubes,the
3CX1200A7, 3CX1200D7, and 3CX1200Z7 a good choice for a homebrew amp
over something like an 8877?

This is my first posting to the reflector. Do I need to put on my
flak-jacket before reading replies?

Chip, NW0O

Chip Owens   (owens@atd.ucar.edu)

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