[AMPS] FS: SB-1000 heathkit amp

Vic Rosenthal rakefet@rakefet.com
Thu, 06 Apr 2000 15:33:43 -0700

For sale, Heathkit SB-1000 160-10m linear.  Has single 3-500Z providing about
750 watts CW and 1 kw PEP SSB output.  Wired for 240v, can be changed to 120v.

Modifications include soft start, vacuum relay QSK, Ameritron plate choke (for
WARC band operation), Measures-type parasitic suppressor, corona washer on

I'm sorry but this must be pick-up only in Central California (I'm not prepared
to take a chance shipping without disassembly and I'm not taking it apart!)

Asking $550.  For an additional $50, I'll throw in an additional  full-output
medical pull 3-500z for a spare.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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