[AMPS] HD RF/Tuner parts

w2cqm@juno.com w2cqm@juno.com
Tue, 11 Apr 2000 21:30:24 -0400

SELL: massive 3P11T switch for either a monster amplifier or tuner. Will
handle any power level. Switch had two hairline cracks near the mounting
posts that have been epoxied and do not effect operation in any way.
Complete with mounting flanges. $60+ shipping
HD 4amp HV chokes wound on 1" porcelain rod (6" long) with # 20 enameled
wire. Slight chip  in the porcelain (not near the windings)  on one end
that does not interfere in any way with the electrical characteristics.
Rods are threaded on both ends for either horizontal or vertical
mounting. $30 shipped
Stacked bobbin  .8-1amp HV  plate chokes 1 horizontal 1 vertical mounting
hdwe. $10 each shipped. 
2P11T porcelain  4KW+ band switch  $35+ shipping Ron W2CQM New York City

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