[AMPS] Filament Inrush Current Limiting
Tue, 25 Apr 2000 08:23:58 -0700
>Specifically, is it necessary to limit inrush current at turn-on in a 8877
In one word, no. When cold, Oxide-cathode heaters have much higher
resistance than do thoriated tungsten filaments. Eimac says to limit
3-500Z/8008 inrush current to no more than double the normal current of
14.7A. No such limit is specified for the 8877.
>If some filaments do not require current limiting, what is the
>of a filament which requires limiting the current (I understand that a cold
>filament has less resistance than a hot one) ?
Thoriated tungsten has about 8.3 times as much conductance when cold
compared to hot. Thus, if driven from a 0-ohm source, the 14.7A
filament of a 3-500Z/8008 initially consumes c. 122a peak. However,
many thoriated tungsten fil. tubes do not specify inrush current
limiting. The difference seems to be in the way the filament is
supported. Tubes with little filament support - such as the 3-500Z/8008
- seem to be the most vulnerable to filament warping. I have never heard
of a 3CX1200A7 with a grid/fil. short.
>I have not seen a definitive answer although I have not been subscribed here
>for all that long.
This subject was discussed here in 1999.
cheers, Dave
- Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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