[AMPS] Dope question

measures 2@vc.net
Tue, 25 Apr 2000 10:13:14 -0700

>Not that I operate AM, only made 1 qso on that mode...
>But can someone explain to me why you can or can't use a linear on AM?   > 
100% modulation
>An electronically challenged extra...  
You can use a linear on AM.  With a modern radio as the driver, very low 
distortion AM is typically produced.  Plate modulation does not produce 
nearly as low of a distortion level.  .  It is important to tune up an AM 
linear at the max pep output from the exciter, and then to adjust the 
carrier control for 25% of max pep.  In typical use, the AM linear will 
indicate roughly half of max. anode current under carrier conditions.  
With modulation, indicated anode-current should barely wiggle.  At max 
pep output, efficiency is around 60%.  A typical 1500w SSB amplifier will 
typically make about 375w of carrier with 100% modulation.   Since no 
heavy modulation transformer and no modulator ps are needed, AM linears 
typically weigh less and are more compact than an old fashioned lashup.  

later, Phil.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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