[AMPS] Inrush Current

Marv Gonsior w6frmarv@pacbell.net
Tue, 25 Apr 2000 13:28:59 -0700

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Phil, K5PC, urged limiting heater inrush current on indirectly heated tubes 
like the 8877.  I also believe, despite that Eimac does not specify 
limiting for the 8877, that it is good engineering practice to do so in 
amateur service.

I have used Keystone Carbon Company's negative temperature coefficient 
thermisters in this application with a very nice, slow ramp up in the 
voltage.  They are available in many sizes from Digi-Key at little cost but 
you have to negotiate their minimum order policy by working it thru their 
petty cash or find some friends.


Marv, W6FR

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Phil, K5PC, urged limiting heater inrush current on indirectly heated
tubes like the 8877.&nbsp; I also believe, despite that Eimac does not
specify limiting for the 8877, that it is good engineering practice to do
so in <u>amateur</u> service.<br>
I have used Keystone Carbon Company's negative temperature coefficient
thermisters in this application with a very nice, slow ramp up in the
voltage.&nbsp; They are available in many sizes from Digi-Key at little
cost but you have to negotiate their minimum order policy by working it
thru their petty cash or find some friends.<br>
Marv, W6FR<br>


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