[AMPS] Filament Inrush Current Limiting

Steve Thompson rfamps@ic24.net
Wed, 26 Apr 2000 17:55:36 -0700

-----Original Message-----
From: RCM <robrk@pgh.net>
To: Phil Clements <philk5pc@tyler.net>
Cc: amps <amps@contesting.com>
Date: 25 April 2000 23:28
Subject: Re: [AMPS] Filament Inrush Current Limiting

>What about turning down the voltage, like to half for moderate standby
>times (dinner). I remember
>reading something in some broadcast book about the standby transmitter
>filaments being switched to
>half or less voltage as in semi-hot standby..

I have a vague memory of reading something that suggested that running an
oxide cathode much cooler than intended can lead to 'poisoning' or somesuch.
Anyone fill in on this one?


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