[AMPS] 12VDC Power supply for Hercules II

Colin Lamb k7fm@teleport.com
Fri, 28 Apr 2000 15:00:49 -0700

Hi Doug:

The power supply is heavy for a reason.  If it is lightweight, it will have
lousy regulation and distortion will occur.  Hi power requires heavy iron or
imagination in the specification department.

I do not know of any switching power supply that is capable of handling the
current required by the Hercules II, although there will no doubt be one
someday in the near future.  I am still not ready to run my amplifier on a
switching power supply, though.

The old rule is that if you did not hurt your back carrying the new
amplifier power supply up the steps, it is not big enough and will fail.  I
know a few hams whose rule is that if their 3/4 ton truck is suitable for
moving the power supply, it is too small and will fail.

If you cannot handle heavy, go qrp.

73,  Colin  K7FM

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