[AMPS] 31LQ6 Heater Ratings

Alek Petkovic vk6apk@eon.net.au
Sun, 30 Apr 2000 18:03:30 +0800

G'day from "Down Under.
I've just ordered 2 sets of 4 x 31LQ6 tubes for my little Dentron GLA-1000 
amp. These will replace the tired 6LQ6 tubes presently in the unit.

The tube swap will of course necessitate an extra transformer to run the 
heaters of the new tubes.

Does anybody on the reflector have an idea of the current drawn by the 
heaters in these tubes?

I figure that the overall heater VA ratings should be similar to the 6LQ6 
heaters and so I figure on around 2A total for the four tubes in parallel. 
I have a transformer rated at 100VA which I hope will do the job with a 
generous safety margin.

Am I correct in the above assumption?

Thanks for any help,
Alek. VK6APK

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