[AMPS] Caveat on Dentron Filaments + MLA-2500B Notes
Phil Clements
Tue, 1 Aug 2000 09:37:54 -0500
> Not all the Dale type metal clad resistors are inductive - certainly over here,
> there's a manufacturer who makes a non inductive variety. It uses Ayrton-Perry
> winding. I have some of these rated 200 ohm, 50 watt, and when I measured the
> inductive component at 30 MHz, it was under j10 ohms i.e a Q of .05
> 73
> Peter G3RZP
Using the "stock" 100 ohm 25 watt metal-clad resistor in my MLA-2500B,
the input VSWR is 1:1 on 160-10 meters. Even if it has an inductive component
it is hard to beat for a perfect match to the exciter. After seeing all the stories
here on the reflector about terrible input miss-matches on the higher bands
(especially WARC) on a lot of amps, I am reluctant to change this resistor.
A proven, varified scheme that matches well and improves IMD considerably
might change my mind. This would take a lot of test equipment, and a lot of
big non-inductive resistors to play with.
Phil, K5PC
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