[AMPS] SB1000 parasite question for Tom and Rich

measures 2@vc.net
Thu, 3 Aug 2000 14:46:41 -0700

>I just got a mail from a SB1000 owner who gets the normal 750 -900 watts out
>with his old used tube. But wíth two different new EIMAC tubes he only gets
>around 200 -250 watts out and both tubes tubes get red. 

€  The 3-500Z is supposed to get red. 

>To me it is a
>parasite suppressor that changed from original value and now with new tubes
>with higher gain at VHF the linear is parasiting. Right? 

Hard to say.  If you think it's oscillating, look around 150MHz with a 
wavemeter.  Also, unsolder one end of R-supp and measure the actual 
resistance.  An open R is not good news.  //  If you have grid current 
with zero drive, you definitely have a parasite.  

> I am not sure,  but
>I think he said the ceramic switch needs replacing and he tried to get a
>replacement from Tom? A burned switch is "normal" in a SB1000 that has
>parasites if I remember right in earlier SB 1000 discussions on the net.. I
>know Rich knows a lot of this fenomen, dont you?

See toasted SB-1000/AL-80 bandswitch photos on my Web site.  
cheers, Hans

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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