[AMPS] SB1000 parasite question for Tom and Rich

measures 2@vc.net
Thu, 3 Aug 2000 15:37:02 -0700

>> I just got a mail from a SB1000 owner who gets the normal 750 -900 watts
>> out with his old used tube. But wÌth two different new EIMAC tubes he only
>> gets around 200 -250 watts out and both tubes tubes get red. 
>Sounds like bad tubes.
>> parasite suppressor that changed from original value and now with new
>> tubes with higher gain at VHF the linear is parasiting. Right?
>Very very doubtful. The way you can find a parasitic is to key the 
>PA without drive so it has idling current, and rotate the tuning 
>control through it's range while looking for a sudden appearance of 
>grid current or an increase in anode current.
Yet another old wives' tale. This is how you test for instability at the 
operating freq.  
 To generate the requisite damped wave anode circuit ringing, it takes 
transient anode currents.  

>> sure,  but I think he said the ceramic switch needs replacing and he tried
>> to get a replacement from Tom? A burned switch is "normal" in a SB1000
>> that has parasites if I remember right in earlier SB 1000 discussions on
>> the net.. I know Rich knows a lot of this fenomen, dont you?
>No, the burned switch comes from the fact Heath did not include 
>an anti-corona washer on the high voltage lug, and the relay 
>sequencing may be wrong. They also used a transformer with a bit 
>poor voltage regulation, which doesn't help.
Owners who have replaced burned bandswitches and added the anti corona 
hardware have reportedly continued to experience intermittent open 
contact bandswitch arcing.  The fix that seems to work is:   reduce VHF 

>A parasitic will virtually never damage a bandswitch. 

Please see the collection of toasted bandswitch photographs on my  
Website.  Is the Internet the best thing since sliced bread, or what?

>the amplifier will, as will driving it with an exciter with spikes when 
>the loading control on the PA is too far closed.
>Change the switch, adding the anti-corona washer, and check the 
>relay sequencing on the TR relay. Make sure the PA is loaded 
>heavy enough, especially if the exciter has transients.
€  Tom recommends over 500mA of anode current -- no fooling.  When is Tom 
going to show us the Eimac letter which supposedly gives the ok to 500mA?
later, Tom

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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