[AMPS] SB1000 parasite question for Tom and Rich+

measures 2@vc.net
Fri, 4 Aug 2000 20:46:44 -0700

>At 08:19 AM 8/4/2000 -0700, Rich wrote:
€  Rich did not write the following sentence.  

>>>Bangs are caused by internal tube arcs, not by parasitics. 
I wrote the following:
>>Arcs that leave no internal marks.  .  .  .  Should a big-bang in a 
>>vacuum be heard?
>If "tinks" in a vacuum can be heard (ie. de-wiskering a vacuum cap), then
>big bangs in a vacuum should also be heard.
vac. cap. tinks can barely be heard.  Big bangs are loud.  The 
accompanying flash comes from the HV circuitry.  

cheers, Phil

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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