[AMPS] info

John Simmons ka4u@vnet.net
Sun, 13 Aug 2000 20:33:54 -0400

A better solution is to use Linux !   I have been using Linux for 6 years and
have never had a problem.  The benifit is that you get a much more powerful
true multitasking system that  does on crash and actually does well on your old
3/486 junk computer.  My Linux system run 24/7 runnning SETI@home with a load
average of 95+% usage and usually only  goes down when the power goes off!
de John  KA4U

Rick Bullon wrote:

> Hello All
> I have a much simpler solution to this problem, Don't use a pc based email
> program use a web based email program like I do as you can see by my address
> I use Hotmail thus nothing is downloaded to my computer it stays on the
> hotmail server.
> If I see a message I want to save I read it on the hotmail server then email
> it to myself at my other email address at my ISP. I have not received any of
> the problems the rest on the list have and I think it is because I use
> hotmail for the email lists.
> Just a suggestion
> 73
> Rick

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