[AMPS] Info on COLLINS 208U amp?

measures 2@vc.net
Wed, 16 Aug 2000 07:15:47 -0700

>I am looking for some infos on a automatic COLLINS 208U amp with the
>4CX5000. Is someone using this amp? On what bands will he amp operate
>on? What is the output power?
€  Sounds like the 5kW autotune version.  As I recall, it does not go 
below 2MHz and you need 3-phase mains.  To move it, you need a 
medium-size fork lift.  Drive power is around 0.05w.  Collins autotune is 
said to be a bad dream/nightmare.  .  Extensive mods are needed to use it 
with a ham transceiver.  
In any event, it has some wonderful parts, Carsten

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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