[AMPS] Alpha 76A tube change.

measures 2@vc.net
Fri, 18 Aug 2000 17:36:49 -0700

>A reply to all who gave me the input on their upgrades, excellent 
>information.  I
>the modification going to the 3CX800A7 tube fairly easy.  Did have a 
>problem coming
>up with chimneys for the new tubes.
>The amplifier works excellent, and does not require much drive to make 
>1500 pep
>output.  The unit is quiet and very stable.
>Thanks for all the information. The Alpha is a very fine amplifier, watch 
>the grid
>load a bit heavy and really powerful.
 Alpha uses no speedup circuit for the vacuum-relay.  To avoid 
hotswitching with modern radios, a speedup circuit is needed.  See Fig. 
7B on my Web site.  The Alpha bias system switches to non-linear bias 
during soft syllables.  The electronic bias switch in Fig. 7B does not 
have this problem.  

later, Ed   

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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