measures 2@vc.net
Sat, 19 Aug 2000 13:52:07 -0700

>            Folks,
>        I have in stock probably the most popular Russian Svetlana tubes - 
>GU-78B. It is rated at 3300V @ 2A.
>    The cost including delivery by Air Mail is $300.
>    Also some other top score tubes from this part of the world (delivered):
>- 4CX800A (GU-74B) - $90
>- 4CX400A (GS-36B) - $80
>- GU-84B - $150
>- GS-35B - $120
>- GS-3B (4CX1600U) - $170
>- GS-31B - $120
>    Also available (delivered):
>- 2 used in GWO SK-1A sockets for 4CX800A/GU-74B - $40 pair
>- 1 new GU-43B
>- 2 newGU-34B
good prices, Anton.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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