[AMPS] Commercial email

Phil (VA3UX) phil@vaxxine.com
Sun, 27 Aug 2000 08:39:27 -0400

I've noticed Fred, but it doesn't bother me at all.  If there's any place
on the net where a group of people would want to know of the availability
of amp tubes, it's right here.  So it makes sense to me that someone that
can  fill that need, makes his presence known.


At 08:40 AM 8/27/2000 GMT, Fred Fliss wrote:
>Has anybody else noticed that UT7CT's emails all seem composed of 
>solicitations for valve sales?  I have no issue with occasional postings of 
>for sale items, or even repeated "for sale" postings if they're accompanied 
>with some sort of technical contribution (controversial or not)....
>Perhaps I'm just an old goat with nothing left to do except whine....
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