[AMPS] Amateur amps on 11 meters

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Tue, 29 Aug 2000 16:20:09 -0400

Hi Tom,

Only fools would enjoy having CB'ers as customers. They are the 
bottom of the foodchain, and that is a liability for the manufacturer. 

Even the "most technically astute" on CB seem to be technically 
unskilled. If they had any skill or motivation at all, they'd have an 
amateur ticket. Now I suppose there are rare exceptions, but I've 
yet to see one yet. However, I want to see one.

I'm disappointed the "CB experts" here on Amps avoid technical 
contributions of any form, preferring instead to predict what is in the 
minds of others rather than make any technical contributions.
> There have been several messages lately about amps designed for amateur
> use being used on 11 meters. In my humble opinion, I think it will be hard
> to get the legitimate manufactures of amateur amps to do anything to
> prevent this until the FCC is willing to go after those manufactures who

The FCC is aware of shootouts, but they are most interested in 
handling cases where many people are affected by the high power 
operation. They get the most "bang for the buck" when they bust a 
fellow screwing up TV's for several blocks night after night than a 
weekend event in a Motel Six parking lot in Aberdeen Mississippi.

Freebanders and CB Kings, show us your skills! Prove you have an 
IQ higher than the highest legal channel!

73, Tom W8JI

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