[AMPS] Amateur amps on 11 meters

measures 2@vc.net
Tue, 29 Aug 2000 20:14:06 -0700

>Excuse me gents, but you US guys seem to be obsessed with CB'ers running
>excessive power and how to prevent that!
€  As far as I know, the largest CB transmitter ever confiscated ran on 
4160v three phase.  The FCC testing facility in Virginia was not equipped 
to power it up. 

>Focus on cleaning up the HAM bands instead and leave the enforcement of CB
>rules to the FCC ! 
>This "We are better!!" attitude will only kick back in the end. 
>Why is it "more illegal" to run plenty of power on CB bands than on the Ham
>bands ?
>Personally I don't like CB operations but I could not care less if a CB'er
>runs 1 kw  as long as he is on 11 mtrs.
I pretty much agree, Peter.


-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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