[AMPS]Solid state Amps (not a cb amp)

Tom Tishken KD4WOV(laptop) kd4wov@earthlink.net
Wed, 30 Aug 2000 23:25:49 -0400

I was wondering if anyone has used any of the solid state amps ( ameriton,
Ten tec, Henry, worthmore, skywalker).

I am looking for an amp to use on 160-10, and possibly one for 6 meters. I
don't need more than 500 watts, but would like at least 300. I thought about
a tube amp, but don't know of many that I can use in the car with out a
dynamo or a multi viberator power supply. If you know of a tube amp that
would fit this bill I would even be willing to go as high as 600 watts. All
my operating is on SSB except fm on top end of 10 and 6 meters.

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