[AMPS] SWR Protection

Steve ve3tu@rac.ca
Mon, 04 Dec 2000 03:14:47 +0000

If anyone is interested visit this site
http://www.ibelings.com/n4ip/sskw/   It describes the
problem of using a microprocessor with a single ad
converter to calculate swr. The 30 usec delay between
reads to too long to get a snapshot of pf and pr to
calculate swr correctly. I plan to shut down the amp if
the pf goes above a certain level which could be caused by
hi drive or high swr and I plan to shut down the amp if
the pr goes above a certain level and then the
microprocessor will calculate the swr and shut the amp
down if the calculated swr is too high. This routine
covers all the possibilities. My original question was if
anyone knows of an ad chip or microprocessor that has
separate ad converters in it to take simultaneous readings
of the pf and pr . If there is no such animal then the
next best thing is to use two ad converters triggered to
read at the same time. I didn't mean to stir up the pot
with such a simple question.

73 Steve

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