[AMPS] KW-500

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Mon, 4 Dec 2000 09:05:22 -0000

Geoff said:

	>Does anyone have any info about UK made KW-500 amp. Uses an 813.

Vintage 1957/8 time. As I remember, has no tuned input, and only about 2.2kV on
the plate- and, at least in the early versions, 866 rectifiers. Pi tank, so can
handle a wide range of output loads (at least up to 3:1 SWR) without a problem.
Designed for a 75 ohm load, not 50, but with the pi-tank, you'll never tell the
difference. Probably good for about 250 - 300 watts out at the most, and with no
input tuned network, may be pretty bad on IMD if fed from a solid state rig - if
the rig can stand the input VSWR.

Best kept as a boat anchor museum piece - goes nicely with a KW Viceroy and a
KW77 receiver! Unlike later KW amplifiers, it had a reasonably rated HV xfmr.


Peter G3RZP

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