[AMPS] Svetlana closing offices in USA ?

Mike Manship mjmanship@iquest.net
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 19:49:19 -0500

I read the following message on a headphone bulletin board which was posted
on November 29, 2000.
Was this mentioned here on the reflector ? If so, I must have missed it :

Svetlana, the Russian maker of hifi audio tubes, has closed its US offices.
There is no official word yet on how they will continue to distribute their
products in the US, but it may be that PMI Components (based in the UK)
will handle US sales. PMI is currently Svetlana's European distributor. 
All Svetlana email addresses have become non-functional as of today. The US
staff have been laid off. The website is still up, but so far, has not
posted any news of the shutdown. This information is from an engineer in
Svetlana's US office.

73 de Mike W9OJ

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