[AMPS] Svetlana closing offices in USA ?

Mark fordgt390@yahoo.com
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 06:31:08 -0800 (PST)

I heard it was just CA offices, and that the
distribution office in Atlanta would still be open. I
dont know if this is correct either?

--- Mike Manship <mjmanship@iquest.net> wrote:
> I read the following message on a headphone bulletin
> board which was posted
> on November 29, 2000.
> Was this mentioned here on the reflector ? If so, I
> must have missed it :
> Svetlana, the Russian maker of hifi audio tubes, has
> closed its US offices.
> There is no official word yet on how they will
> continue to distribute their
> products in the US, but it may be that PMI
> Components (based in the UK)
> will handle US sales. PMI is currently Svetlana's
> European distributor. 
> All Svetlana email addresses have become
> non-functional as of today. The US
> staff have been laid off. The website is still up,
> but so far, has not
> posted any news of the shutdown. This information is
> from an engineer in
> Svetlana's US office.
> 73 de Mike W9OJ
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