[AMPS] AL-1200 Blower

Vic Rosenthal rakefet@rakefet.com
Wed, 06 Dec 2000 11:01:25 -0800

"Brakob, Hans" wrote:
> The exhaust is vented just like most other amps, via
> grille-work directly above the tube chimney.  The
> cooling seems perfectly adequate (I run mostly CW),
> but would be nice to be able to quiet that fan down
> a little.  Since the fan is variable speed (albeit
> "variable by moving a wire to one of four taps")
> maybe someone has figured out an automatic switching
> system based on internal temperature?

With a solid-state amp, it's easy to mount a thermostat on the heatsink.  With
tubes, it's more complicated...how about a thermostat clamped to the tube anode
cooler?  Isolation from the HV would be interesting.  You'd also have to make
sure that everything else that needs cooling (seals, tank coil, etc.) would be
taken care of.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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