[AMPS] AL-1200 Blower

Hans Goldschmidt sm5ki@algonet.se
Thu, 07 Dec 2000 12:35:09 +0000

0-12-07 00.27, skrev Bill Turner på w7ti@jps.net följande:

> On Wed, 06 Dec 2000 20:08:00 , Roger P wrote:
>> Alternatively, it should be fairly simple to fit a thermistor in the airflow
>> from the anodes without getting too close to the HV.
> _____________________________________________________________________
> I wonder if an infrared detector diode mounted to "look" directly at
> the anode might be better.  Just a thought, haven't experimented with
> one.  Could be very hard to RF-proof.
> 73, Bill W7TI
> --
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The K2RIW methode is better. In his by now famous 2 meter and 75cm paralell
4CX250B amplifiers he simply measured the air exaust temperature from the
chimneys. Calibration is done by comparing the anode current (ts) with air
temperature. Change the bias and make yourself a calibration curve. So in
external anode tubes tubes a temperature sensor could off the tube when max
anode dissipation occurs.Simple.

Prosit de Hans

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